No she didn’t… (a color confession)

Yes I did.

It was 2004 and my husband and I were planning our wedding. Well… I was planning the wedding, he was busy managing heightened states of emotion :) The seating chart blow out, the music coordinator who wouldn’t let me go all Marie Antoinette with the songs… Though it was mostly good fun with a few bumps in the road…

Time to deal with the cake and I r e a l l y love cake. Eating it, looking at it, it’s one of the many creative tangents I’ve pondered. To me it’s sculpture and a really impressive show of skill. So we went to visit Susan at Brookfield Wedding Cakes, of which we heard great things.

Of course I had this grandiose vision, including an assortment of Pantone color chips (no I’m not kidding) to match the cake frosting against. I wanted a single row of cakes, topped with sugared fruit. Each one in a slightly different hue, lined up on a long table.

When she saw me pull out the color chips, her expression turned serious as if to say, please tell me you’re kidding? And my husband sat there sheepishly as if to say, Susan I’m real sorry, and you know what, I don’t even like cake, but could you just give this a whirl? I really don’t want to hear about the matter further. Poor man, ha ha.

So, she thought on it for a moment and said frankly, your payment will not equal the effort this project requires but since I can picture this turning out nicely, I’ll give it a try! Oh thank you, thank you, Susan.

In rushed the wedding day, overwhelming and magic. I was greeted by my mother at the reception, who said- Jess, you will just die when you see the cakes. We are pretty dramatic about our visuals, okay people? There’s a lot of gusto there!

I opened the doors and there they were… shimmering in the night, with underlighting, in the middle of the ballroom. The colors dead on, the fruit amazing, oh it was just perfection.

The picture does not do justice and how quickly design changes (today I would opt for something like this). Aren’t these great?

But I will never forget the moment, when someone’s effort just quietly blew me away. That rare instance when expectations are just plain exceeded. Don’t you love it when that happens??

I was inspired by Susan and hope to share the same level of care with you. If you need a palette for your special event, or to carry around when shopping for your home (it works!), you know where to find me!

The cake tasted as good as it looked,


(thank you Magpie’s Cake for the images)

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